Saturday, September 18, 2010

American Beauty

Everything about American Beauty is perfect. Sam Mendes could not have been a better choice for a director. Mena Suvari is a delightfully innocent temptress. Kevin Spacey is brilliant. The honesty of this film never ceases to strike me.

The bag scene is probably the best scene I can think of in a film. I love the score (Thomas Newman is a genius). I have included the words and the scene below. Enjoy.
It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air. You can almost hear it, right? And this bag was just... dancing... with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I realized there was this entire life behind things... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid. Ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know - but it helps me remember... and I need to remember. Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world... I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Money Money Money MONAAAY

While perusing StumbleUpon, I came across a post by design boom. At first, I skipped through it quickly and then swiftly pressed 'Stumble,' but then after looking a few other random places on the Internet I started to think about the money post again. I went back to look and I have a new appreciation for designer Dowling Duncan and his redesign of the U.S. bank notes. See the official project here.
This project was very well researched and almost everything has been considered. The money was structured in a vertical format because people tend to deal with cash in a vertical fashion. Each bill is progressively larger and the notes are all different colors to easily tell which note is which.
  • $1: the first black president
  • $5: the five largest Native American tribes
  • $10: the Bill of Rights (the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
  • $20: 20th century America
  • $50: the 50 states
  • $100: the first 100 days in office for President Franklin Roosevelt
Our money, in America, has looked the same for as long as I can remember. Sure, there have been additions - such as the the watermark and the strip that has the amount written very tiny and embedded in the paper-cloth substance, but we haven't had any significant changes in paper notes in a long time. I'm not suggesting that this design needs to come to fruition, but it is a thought.
Then, I thought some more on the subject. I can't decide if change is the thing we need, or, like the U.S. Mint, I like the comfort of sameness. It is easier. And safe. Hmm...

Which is your favorite?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Anthropologie favs

If you are an avid reader of Images Repeating, you know about my love of Anthropologie. If I could shop there for everything, I would. I have dresses, dishes and more from there.

Here are the things that I am currently drooling over.
1. Corset Sweaterdress ($298)
2. Mirabell Skirt (This has the most adorable name, $118)
3. Silken Stitches Dress (I WANT THIS!!, $168)
6. Curried heels (If you know anything, know that I love yellow shoes, $398)

None of it goes together at all, but I am in love. Ahhh, fashion heaven. I'm dying.

If I am really dreaming, I want some Louboutins. O happiness!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stuck in your head?

Have a song stuck in your head? You can either try to hum a different more annoying one (think I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves), which may then get stuck in your head... or, you can go to unhearit and listen to some higher quality songs to replace the original.

Currently I am listening to Do The Conga. :)
Pretty nifty.. huh?

Photog of the Moment: Timothy Keen

So obsessed with these photos, especially the first one. The rawness, honesty, detail and surprise almost in the child's face. Well, it is really good and I think it deserves a look from you. Here's more at his Facebook page: Timothy Keen.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

An interesting look at fonts

This is so cool (or maybe I am just a journalism nerd - you tell me). I found this is in a blog post on Flowing Data. Designers Matt Robinson and Tom Wrigglesworth decided to study the ink usage of some commonly-used typefaces. To do this, they drew the different fonts with Bic pens.

And the results are.... Drum roll please. To save ink (in your printer cartridge) choose Garamond. And absolutely, positively stay away from Impact.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Tent Jacket: JakPak

Introducing the camping nerd's dream. A JakPak is advertised as the "world's first all-in-one waterproof jacket, tent and sleeping bag." Hmm. Well, below I have included the instructions and some pictures (found on

I think it sounds promising. It has cords for your iPod, as well as spring, summer and fall features to suit your needs.

Problem #1 - I live in Missouri and rarely camp. Problem #2 - this revolutionary jacket/tent costs $250, which I do not have.

If I take up camping and come into some money soon, this is what I will buy.

What do you think?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Old Missouri

Take a peek at Missouri circa 1900, 1909 and 1927. I found these images in a blog post from the Denver Post. Check them all out here.

A dilapidated frame house in Kansas City, circa 1900

Saint Louis Candle and Wax Co., 1927

Saint Louis, Mo. - Steamboats crowd the waterfront at the beginning of President William H. Taft's trip down the Mississippi River, Oct. 1909