Thursday, September 30, 2010

The History of Rap

God, I love Spin Magazine. I found this video on their twitter this morning, and trust me - this is hilarious!!

Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake demonstrate the History of Rap with pieces from:

What I want to dress like... well, kinda.

Soon I plan to be a grown-up with a big girl job. I just ordered some business cards and put the finishing touches on my website ( I came across this picture of Megan Fox today and I fell in love with this outfit. This is a kind of professional look I would like to emulate (with possibly a slightly longer hemline). Perfection.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fire Factor 2010

What I worked on today...

Today, as a part of my senior project at Mizzou, I covered Fire Factor 2010 - an annual fire safety event in Columbia, MO. Here are some pictures taken with an iPhone 4. Stay tuned for the mobile journalism video component.

Pet peeves

Here are several pet peeves, as of late. Not trying to bitch, but ughhhhh.
(1) There are such things as stupid questions.
(2) Although Russia is part of Eastern Europe, only a very small portion is in Europe. The rest is in Asia. Over 75% of Russia is in Asia. Just saying...
(3) Squidoo. The most pointless social media or whatever it is supposed to be that exists. It can make you money, but it is so unorganized and finicky.
(4) Busy work. I am a college senior.. I don't need pointless essays so that you can pretend that you are teaching our class.
(5) Business cards. Can someone please design them for me? I am not a design major and find it pointless to have business cards with what will be my address for only nine months.
(6) Turn signals. Use them. They are there for a reason.

Whew! I feel better. Thanks for reading! What are your pet peeves?

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Under Great White Northern Lights

This weekend, I was watching a Showtime channel called Showcase. On this channel was a documentary about The White Stripes called Under Great White Northern Lights. The TV spot states "a brother and sister's journey across the great white north..." but, come to find, they are far from siblings. This duo used to be married. The ex-spouses have played together since 1997 when they met. Jack Gillis met bartender Megan White in Detroit and they married. Her (unconventionally) took her name. Meg started playing the drums that year and they opened to success.

This documentary details and was released in August of 2010. It was quite fascinating. According to IMDb,
In 2007 the legendary American duo White Stripes toured Canada. Besides playing the usual venues they challenged themselves and played in buses, cafés and for Indian tribal elders.
It also goes into the duo's dynamic and Meg's extreme shyness. Anyhoo, I highly recommend it. Check for local listings. I dare you.

In addition to my thoughts on this film, I will leave you with Jolene. Possibly my favorite White Stripes song. Originally recorded by Dolly Parton (YouTube video), this song is filled with passion, either way. (Although I much prefer the updated version). Enjoy!

Monday, September 27, 2010

A weekend off

Sorry everyone, I took a weekend off blogging for some R&R. I went to St. Louis with some friends to see Kings of Leon. We went to the first STL show back in July, but due to (a) an overabundance of pigeons (and their poop) or (b) intoxicated performers, the show was cancelled after three songs. This show lasted longer, but it was cold and rainy. When I saw them at Lolla last summer it was raining then too. What gives?