Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pet peeves

Here are several pet peeves, as of late. Not trying to bitch, but ughhhhh.
(1) There are such things as stupid questions.
(2) Although Russia is part of Eastern Europe, only a very small portion is in Europe. The rest is in Asia. Over 75% of Russia is in Asia. Just saying...
(3) Squidoo. The most pointless social media or whatever it is supposed to be that exists. It can make you money, but it is so unorganized and finicky.
(4) Busy work. I am a college senior.. I don't need pointless essays so that you can pretend that you are teaching our class.
(5) Business cards. Can someone please design them for me? I am not a design major and find it pointless to have business cards with what will be my address for only nine months.
(6) Turn signals. Use them. They are there for a reason.

Whew! I feel better. Thanks for reading! What are your pet peeves?

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