Friday, September 3, 2010

816.. here I come!

Going home to KC for the three-day weekend. Posts will be up again Tuesday! Happy Labor Day!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Today I am a-postin' fool. Four posts today. Last one and it is a mishmash of everything I love and want and am thinking about right now. At this moment. Okay... go.

This first photo is my favorite. I have sat here and stared at it for about three minutes straight now. Love. Taken by Sara Sani - a photographer from Barcelona. (Oh, now I want to watch Vicky Christina Barcelona.)
This photo is fashion photographer Jannis Tsipoulanis. I love the boldness of this woman. Such attitude.
This last photo is by James Whitmore. I feel like the girl is staring through the photograph for some reason. Can she see me?
Lastly, I found a website full of coats. You should know that I love coats and if I could afford it, I would wear a different one everyday. Check them out. You'll thank me.

Aren't they fabulous?

How am I feeling?

Emotionally stressful week = Feaverish Photo Blog pictures to help show my feelings. K? K.

Enjoy. All of the photos are property of the talented James Whitmore.

Follow Friday (well all most)

Follow me on twitter @imagesrepeating.

Please and thank you :)

Capstone a la Mobile Journalism

So.. down to the nitty gritty about my capstone project. My team (Amanda Heisey, Drew Dumas and Will Sullivan) have decided to purchase the URL This site will allow us to add what little permanence we can to our project. With technology constantly changing, and the pace at which apps and additional tools are added, we cannot be experts in the field of mobile journalism for long, but our mission is to try to be this semester.

We are going to test out everything from monopods to keyboards to lights to iPhone video editing apps. With this information, we are going to create a field guide for other journalism students at Mizzou (and hopefully for other journalists out there in the world). The site will contain our recommendations, news, samples of our work, as well as expert testimony.

I cannot wait to get started! More news to come...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Always Fabulous, Rumi Neely

Today is a pretty horrible day. Rain. Rain. Rain. Emotional stress. And don't forget - lots of homework. There is nothing more that I want than to go sit on a beach and forget my problems/stress.

Here are some images of the always fabulous Rumi Neely.
This post (from her blog, Fashion Toast) places Ms. Neely exactly where I would like to be - and in fabulous boots. Have I said fabulous too many times? But seriously, I want those Fiorentini and Baker boots.

Follow her fashionable self on twitter @rumineely.


While perusing StumbleUpon (I know, again), I came across a fabulous idea on how to save wine bottles that are rare, or perhaps ones that you find meaningful. The post, published by The Fun Times Guide, details how to change bottles into things such as glasses or a "flicker lamp." My favorite idea is the "Wine Bottle twinkle light," (although their idea for a tiki torch was a close second).

Simply cut out a small hole in the back of the bottle and place a small strand of Christmas lights inside, and presto chango - you have a sweet lamp!

Going to make one soon, as soon as I have a little vino. :)

Check out the original post and the other ideas for old wine bottles at

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

A better refrigerator

Came across a post on StumbleUpon the other day regarding better methods for storing food and I thought I would share it with the web-world.

I came across this post on Design Addict. The post details the work of Jihyun Ryou, a designer, who did his Master's thesis on food preservation and came up with the following solutions, illustrated in the following pictures. Ryou tells Addict that his designs look "at re-introducing and re-evaluating traditional oral knowledge of food, which is closer to nature."

I find his work inspiring, and I would love to include any of the above items in my future kitchen. [Via DesignAddict]

Monday, August 30, 2010

Food for thought. Photos for thought.

Here is a pairing of food and photos, inspired by the blog French Frosting.

Recipe: "Bell Pepper Egg-in-a-hole"

I think this recipe is so simple, yet so inspired. It is like an omelette, meets well I don't know, but it sounds fantastic. Simply cut a bell pepper into rings, then place either a freshly cracked egg (for over-easy), or scrambled egg mix in the center and cook and presto! Yumyumyum. Definitely trying this as soon as I can head to a grocery store. [Via Shutterbean]

Photos: For photos of the day, I turned to my absolutely favorite photo blog - Feaverish. Here is a random smattering of a few of my favorite photos today. [Via Feaverish]

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bake sale

My roommate and I officially moved in to our apartment a week ago Friday and I couldn't be any happier with it. Despite our realty company's absolutely horrifying standards for cleanliness and order (about half of our lights do not work, a few light sockets are broken and our refrigerator does not seal properly), I have fallen in love with the place. I guess all of those problems are to be expected on East Campus.

Some of the rooms are small - our kitchen is basically a hallway, but I love it anyways.

Here are a few photos of -

A cute little pie we picked up from some Amish bakers at the farmer's market in Lowry Mall the other day.
A few of our dishes (a cupcake stand and a pretty plate, if I do say so myself)

...And our shelves (yes, our dishes out number the amount of food we have - we could definitely hold a bake sale with the amount we have)

More pictures of our 'U' shaped apartment to come! :)