Saturday, October 16, 2010

Buy The Entourage House? Yep!

You've seen the fabulous houses on the show and now you can own them! Sweet. If only I had $5.75 million dollars. The 9,000 square foot house, modeled after a Tuscan villa is to die for. The fact that Vincent Chase, Johnny Drama and the gang hung out here is only the cherry on top. I would like to just walk through this house.. and take a dip in the pool. See more photos here. God, I wish I still had HBO...

Friday, October 15, 2010

Waiting for Superman

I am really looking forward to the release of Waiting for Superman. In this film, Davis Guggenheim follows several promising kids through a system that inhibits their academic growth. He reviews the faults of the current education in America in what looks to be a truly promising documentary.

Guggenheim directed An Inconvenient Truth and series such as Deadwood and 24 . Visit the website here. Check it out!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Technology Thrills Me

As a multimedia journalist, technology has always thrilled me and these two videos aren't any different. They both show future possibilities of where technology may lead us. The first is a video about the screen and what future screens could entail. In the mirror, on the desk... there are endless possibilities.

This second video is a keynote speaker from MIT debuting his building blocks known as "Siftables" over a year ago. I just came across this video and all I can say is I want them. Even the part where the little kid has a cat and a dog interacting on the TV screen. I want it all! They look so fun and I think they also have amazing potential to exercise your brain in your older years. The video is over seven minutes long, but the best is at the end. Trust me.

I found both of these amazing videos on the S-preme Blog.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Obsession: First Listen (NPR)

I have always known that NPR's First Listen existed, but it wasn't until yesterday that I fell in love. It is the best background, study, but not classical and boring music that I have ever heard. If I only I could work that.. hear that NPR? Need a music editor? Pick me! :)

Shameless self-promotion over. I love NPR Music because they have detailed and interesting music news, live concerts, excellent taste and a wide variety - everything from saxophone to dark 'British beat makers.' All in all, lovely.

What I listened to today -

  • 26-year-old singer-songwriter
  • Real name: Thomas Meluch
  • Folky, yet upbeat and a lot of beats
  • Compared to Elliot Smith in the piece
  • "Course synthesizers laid over beats"
  • A new sound, used to make dance tracks
  • Create a "melancholic expression" Sami Yenigun writes (and I could not agree more)
(3) Sidney Bechet's saxophone soulfulness
  • First jazz musician to use soprano saxophone extensively
  • Born and raise in New Orleans
  • Innovator of jazz in the south

**This one is my favorite. I do and I don't wish I lived in this period (c. 1930s).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rwran Rrwarn Rwarn <....

Moleskine celebrates the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man with the release their limited edition Pac-Man journals. I want one SOOOO bad. (Christmas?).

You can choose from the limited edition hardback includes
The hard cover notebooks are decorated with pixilated imagery that includes Pac-Man, ghost characters, fruit imagery and classical video game lines such as "Game Over", "Insert Coin", and "High Score."
Or a four pack of colored soft cover books with Pac-Man on the cover of each one.

Both have stickers! (I swear I am still four years old sometimes)

I love Moleskine. I currently use a limited edition Woodstock book and I love it. Here is a little bit about the brand in case you were curious -
  • Created as a brand in 1997
  • A legendary notebook Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Ernest Hemingway, and Bruce Chatwin and many more
  • Used to be a "nameless black book" filled with fabulous works of art
  • Today, they are a symbol of "latter-day nomadism" according to their website
I hope Santa brings me one! :) (Oo, and for those who are wondering, the title is my wording of the noise the game makes).

Inked Up

This is one cool spine tattoo from the very fashionable Bleach Black. See the post here.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I'll leave you with...

I have ungodly amounts of homework over the next few days, so I don't know how much I will be blogging. But, I will leave you with an interesting video. I neither agree nor disagree with the video, but I thought it has a high production value and worth a watch, if nothing else, to spark some debate. All I support is actually voting on November 2 how you see fit. If you don't vote, you can't bitch.


What are your thoughts on Rally For Sanity with Jon Stewart?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mobile Journalism Tools

As you may know, for my senior journalism project my team and I are looking at best practices for mobile journalism. We are testing out various applications and equipment so we can give our findings to the world. A lot of newsrooms don't have the financial backing we do to try new things - they just need to know what works, so we are going to try our best to help them.

For a permanent place for our findings, I created , which houses all of our reviews, expert testimonies and more. Check it out. What do you think?


My capstone team decided to participate in One Day on Earth. Soon, we will put up our one-minute clips that shows you a day in our lives. I thought this was an excellent way of trying our mobile journalism skills in a non-traditional way. We don't have to just cover breaking news with the iPhones - we can do a day-in-the-life pieces and as Stephen Quinn told me, it is only limited by my imagination. Visit for more information of the project.

What is One Day on Earth? from One Day On Earth on Vimeo.

On October 10, 2010 (10.10.10), across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period and contribute their voice to the largest participatory media event in history.