Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The man. The myth. The legend.

Quentin Tarantino. Reservoir Dogs. Pulp Fiction. Kill Bill Volume 1. Kill Bill Volume 2. Inglorious Basterds. Can the man do no wrong?

Tarantino with his muse, Uma Thurman

I know a lot of people are not fans of his, or think that he is overrated, but I just love his work. I did not fully appreciate it until I took a film class covering 1950 film to the present. A lot of his work is pastiche, or imitation of other, earlier works. Almost every scene in his movie was inspired or nearly "stolen" from another movie. But, isn't copying the sincerest form of flattery?

Here is a clip from Reservoir Dogs, which is probably my favorite of his films. (Warning: a little crudeness will ensue.)

Ooo, and you can find him acting in this scene as well. Enjoy!

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