Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mobile Journalism Tools, Pt. 2

Sorry. For the rest of the semester I will probably be really busy with my senior project - testing mobile journalism tools and creating best practice guides. Check it out here. Recently, we were mentioned on Poynter in a short write-up by Damon Kiesow in his Mobile Media column. Poynter is an institute located in Florida (and the web) who's mission is to improve journalism and journalists by discussing management, new trends, ethics and excellent journalism. Check out the blurb here or check it out below.

"A group of journalism students at the University of Missouri is blogging about mobile apps, hardware and best practices in mobile newsgathering, with the aim of creating "a sustainable and long-term resource guide for the industry."

The blog, Mobile Journalism Tools, has been running since September and has so far focused on a wide variety of mobile apps, accessories and brief quotes from experts in the field. The project is being led by Will Sullivan, a fellow at the Reynolds Journalism Institute and an occasional contributor to"
I was very excited for this press piece. I have been putting my heart and soul into testing these applications and gear and it is nice to finally be recognized. This blurb made our pageviews skyrocket - see below. It is also exciting because, as a journalist, I turn to Poynter all of the time for news about the industry. It is exciting to have some followers and finally be featured in Poynter, even if it doesn't mention my name. :)

In addition to this exciting news, (thanks to my SEO training) our blog is now on the second page when you Google search "mobile journalism" and I am working on getting it to the first page. Wish me luck!

Until next time... I will leave you with some screenshots of the countries and states that have visited our blog recently:


  1. Jennifer -

    Sorry for failing to mention the names of the team in the piece! But, glad it sent some traffic your way.

